
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fear, loathing, and painting faces

Today I was thinking about Trust and Fear. Specifically how they relate to me as an artist and the risks that I do and do NOT take in my art.  This thought pattern came from my ecourse I am taking from Kelly Rae.  It is challenging me to rethink my process, open up old wounds, confront my weaknesses head on, and challenge my comfort zone.  So I am terrified to try to paint people again.  I havnt done so since 1993, when I left art school for the "real world." I keep myself from doing people because I know that I will have to face the reality that I am not as good as I used to be.  That perhaps my art is (gasp!) bad.  I cant keep doing this though.  If I am really to move forward I have to put myself out there and take a risk and make (gasp!) bad art, to allow room for the good art to peek through and, hopefully, take over.

So I did this painting...

Its just a start.  The girl needs a lot of work, esp in the face, and I am not sure exactly where I was going with it, but it will come to me along the way I suppose.  I wanted to try using alcohol on the paints to make them run, and went a bit overboard.  I really like how the flowers turned out, but the girl... not so much.  I'll try again and show you what I end up with.

Then I wanted to do something really free.  So I employed my 2 year old son Israel, a budding artist i tell you.

He LOVES painting with momma, so we got all set up and did some collage/painting (which involves me squirting paint onto the cardboard in color palettes that I like, him having a party with the paintbrush on it, while I slap down collage pieces in between his brush strokes.
Once they are all dry and done, I'll post pics of them.


  1. I love the picture of all of your work and supplies in that last photo. Though I crave organization, it usually feels pretty good to have all of those supplies around me--all the potential therein!

    (cam over from Flying Lessons!)

  2. funny how you don't like to paint faces. i don't like to put heads on my sculptures! i've wondered if there's more to it than the fear of creating them. perhaps the meaning behind a face or someone's head. it's
    how we identify someone...
    btw, love the new painting! and thanks for stopping by and the kind words. =)
    i'll be flying back soon...

  3. I am taking Kelly's class as well. I am just beginning....everything! Your work and your blog is very inspiring. I will be keeping up with you!

  4. Hi Harmony, I sent an email as well, but I wanted to feed your blog, and let you know I love the watercolor muted and subdued she is. Looks like you and Israel has some great fun! Catch ya in class.

  5. Harmony,
    Please do not be dismayed. It will come back and when it does it will be bigger then you ever expected!
    One yr. ago I could not draw a line, and now I have gone leaps and bounds.. ! Don't ever give up. remember you are throwing away a gift that God gave you if you don't contintue to create such beauty as I see here!
    I am in Kellys Class to learning more and more!
    So much on the internet to learn..
    come vist when you can.. you may think I am fibbing you.. but I am not.. I promise..
    Hugs, Darlene.. take flight!

  6. oops forgot to tell you i am on FB and twitter too.. just tweet me!


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