
Thursday, June 17, 2010

A little window into my year

Transition.  That is definitely the word for the year.  My husband, son, and I have been in a fluctuating state of transition, settling, change, transition, settling, get the picture, for almost a full year.  I am a person that CRAVES change but HATES transition.  What's the difference you wonder?  To me, change means adventure, newness, excitement, while transition is all the gritty annoying, tiresome details that get you from where you are now to where you want to change to - it's utterly exhausting!

  (us-in a Madison, WI park, pic by rejoyphotography)
Last August, my husband, son, and I left our home town of Gainesville, FL, rented out our home, put our dogs into foster care (they stayed with friends and family), packed up all our stuff into a tiny trailer, and drove 1200 miles to Madison, WI.  We did it because we had found ourselves without inspiration and falling into a rut at home.  Between work, school, church, raising our son, taking care of household things, and family and friend gatherings, we were too busy or too tired to push ourselves past the "wouldnt it be amazing if we did (blank)?!" or "I have always dreamed about doing (blank)!"  We were tired of talking about our dreams and wanted to start working towards them.  We quickly realized that we couldnt do this in our comfortable routined environment.  We needed to be UNCOMFORTABLE, unroutined, and pushed outside of our comfort zone and familiar spaces.  We would have no choice but to change then, to push ourselves, find our next adventure as a family.

Here are our sweet no longer foster-cared dogs.  Bella on the Left, catching bugs, Fish on the Right, doing what he does best (digging and sleeping).

To do this we hooked up with a sort of discipleship/leadership mentoring program with a group called 24/7 Prayer, and so moved to Madison, WI to live, work, and learn in an intentional Christian community house.  They call it a Boiler Room.  We called it the Winnie House (cuz it was on Winnebago St)/ Dream Incubator.  (please follow the links to understand more about what we did there and who the group is).  It was an intense journey from start to finish, but in the end we left stronger and with a larger circle of friends and family than we began with.

(pic of the back of our Winnie House, in Madison, where we shared a 3b/1ba/900sq foot flat with another family with a child, and had 8 other house mates on the other floors!)

So now, this week in fact, we are moving BACK IN to our old home in Gainesville, FL.  We are reclaiming familiar space as our own again, but with new motivation, new skills, new focus to put reason and logic in its place and let our dreams rule our present.  For me, that is reclaiming myself as an artist and getting my creative business going.  And so now, I find myself at the start of a very new and exciting venture, the ball has been started rolling, I have to hold on to my faith that my dream is a choice worth fighting for and investing in, and just make the leap and see where I land.

(pic of our florida home, in great need of some TLC - and hedge clippers!)

That being said, one very important step for me in this process of reclaiming old space as new is to turn the 3rd bedroom in our house, that a year ago was just office/school study space, into my own creative studio space.  I am so excited about all the possibilities and have found myself dreaming up all kinds of colorful, creative, and inspiring things to add to it, to make it my own, to make it pure creative energy in there.  Right now its horrifically cluttered with all the extra stuff that we havnt unpacked yet, but I have a vision for attacking that room in the NAME OF GREAT ART, and clearing out by the end of next week.

(Pic of my soon-to-be workspace. Can you feel the potential?!)

As I am gathering ideas for the room, (I even got lost for over an hour looking at studio space photo groups on flickr - HUGE time suck - but SO MUCH FUN!), I cant stop thinking about one of my most favorite studio spaces that I have ever seen.  Its the home workspace of Teesha Moore, Art Journaler extrodinaire.  You have to check out her photos from this renovated attic space in her Oregon home.  It makes me feel giddy and inspired and just want to create a million things with all the supplies, notions, bits, and colors she has in that room.  My space wont be like that, but if I can even have a little of that magic she created in there, I would be ecstatic!

One thing I do know for sure, is that I want to gather art (or at least prints - lets be honest here, money is short these days) from different artists that inspire me and make me push my limits.  I have made a great start on this, I think.  This amazing little girl now adorns the front wall of my soon to be workspace and is supervising the current chaos.  She was created by Mindy of Tims Sally (you will have to endure many endorsements from me of her work- as her art is currently a HUGE fav of mine).  I adore this wall child and was so excited that Mindy let me bring her my home.  Hopefully soon, she will be joined by many new, just-as-lovely, and just-as-inspiring, friends from many more artists that I admire.  

I would ADORE to hear about your creative spaces!  Artists, writers, scrapbookers, all creative people: what is the most inspiring environment for you to work in?  Tell me why it inspires you.  What is it, or what is in it, that makes it so connecting for your creative energy? -Feel free to add links to pics of your space if you have them online - :)


  1. Wonderful exciting (and overwhelming, scary...)to be ready to explore your creative dream! Please continue to share photos of your new creative space! I love my little studio where I paint and create...I frequently share photos on my blog. I was even featured in CPS Studios magazine this should consider submitting photos of your space...maybe a before/after feature!

  2. Hi Harmony
    I really like your list of favourite blogs & I will pop back to use your links. Your site is really relevant to me at the moment & I just wanted to say keep going in this style because it's great for my inspiration.
    Regards, Kerry

  3. Hi Harmony,
    Welcome back to Florida! What a great time for you to be taking Flying Lessons as you are directing all that energy toward starting your creative business! I can't wait to see the transformation of your studio space. all I know about that is that is a process and as you grow it will grow to meet your needs and your style. I'll have to check out Mindy's art, cuz I love the little girl on your door. Remember to be gentle with yourself as you undertake your move and settling are exactly where you need to be!

  4. oh and Bella and Fish are so cute!! I am a huge fan of bulldogs!

  5. Harm, before A+A moved in, I did all my writing in that room! It definitely has artistic inspiration! It's one of my favorite spaces in your house!

  6. i loved reading about your family brave y'all were!
    i can't wait to see the transformation of your studio, and to see your art too!


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