
Sunday, February 19, 2012

She Helps Me Be Better

Yesterday was kind of a hard day for me.  For various reasons, there was quite a bit of sad news from people that I care about, and my heart feels so heavy for them.  I was playing around with an old photo of my great grandmother and her sister when they were in their 20s.  I started thinking about those people that we become connected to in our lives, and how we effect each other and force change and growth for one another often even without knowing it.  It is through their experiences and our relationship with them that we feel challenged and supported and motivated to change, be better, try harder, and love more fully and be less selfish.  A family that I love lost a loved one yesterday, and as my heart breaks and weeps for them, I am also finding myself wanting to be a better mother, a better friend, a better sister and daughter and wife.   I want to do these things because I am reminded so acutely that our time on earth is limited and our relationships are the one true good thing that we have while we are here.  People matter, they matter more than stuff, more than experiences, and more than our individual accomplishments.  When I work hard to love someone really well, with truth and an open heart, I become the best version of myself that I can be.  I was reminded of this again yesterday when a beautiful young soul left this world.  She had very little time here on earth, but I dont believe that makes her life tragic, but instead makes every moment that she brought joy to those who loved her that much more special and important and life changing.  I hope to keep being reminded of this.  I pray that I can always keep striving to be the best version of myself, and I have many many amazing people to thank for that lesson.  Thanks for letting me ramble a bit today.  I made this artwork to thank those amazing people who inspire me in this way.   I hope this message blesses you where you are at.  It is definitely what I needed to hear today.  Who inspires you to be better?  Find a way to thank them and bless them today.

1 comment:

  1. lovely post - very eloquent and oh so true -wishing you and yours peace! xo


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